5 Ways to Make More Money Through your Website

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With the surge of internet use climbing quickly these past couple of years, the need to have a strong online presence for your business is becoming more and more important. It is no longer enough to just have a decent looking website that displays your offerings. You need to have a website that drives conversions in more ways than one and keeps your visitors engaged and eager to continue scrolling. This blog post is going to outline 5 Ways you can start driving more revenue through your website and increase your conversion rates of visitors into customers.

1. Clear Call to Actions

Whenever a visitor lands on your website, you need to be telling them exactly what they should be doing and when they should do it. Never leave it up for question of what they should do next. If you want them to book a call with you, be straight-forward and label the button as “BOOK A CALL”. If you want them to Buy your offering, label the button as “BUY NOW.” Business owners often try to be cute with the wording they use on buttons for the call to actions. This is not helpful whenever you are trying to increase your conversions. In fact, it can be harmful. If a visitor does not know where the button will take them next, you run the risk of them never clicking it. If you do not tell your visitor exactly what you want them to do, don’t expect them to do it. Don’t be afraid to ask for the sale, and don’t be afraid to ask for it multiple times.

Another practice I like to implement with call to actions is to have a “Marry” and a “Date” Call to action. Your “Marry” CTA’s will be the ones asking for the direct sell, like “BUY NOW”, “SIGN UP NOW”, “START NOW”. The “Date” call to actions are ones that are a bit more passive. For example, they aren’t quite sure if they want to work with you yet. They need to learn more to make sure they like and trust you. Perfect! Time for a “Date” CTA Button, such as “LEARN MORE”, “INQUIRE”, “BOOK A CALL”.

Offering your visitors an immediate action and a softer action targets different types of buyers and will increase your conversion rate.

2. Upsells + Downsells Available

If you do not have a way to upsell or downsell your website visitors, you are missing out on easy money. If you are an e-commerce business, you should have an option when someone adds a product to their cart for them to pair it with something often purchased along with that item. This is a simple way to generate more revenue and provide users with more value.

If you are a service provider, make sure you offer additional options to the service someone is looking at. It is good to offer a lower-cost option for if the service at hand is out of their budget, and then at checkout, you can offer an upgrade option to add some extra value for a customer who is already interested.

4. Freebie With Email Capture

Growing your email list can be a major game changer for your business and revenue goals. Social media is great, but at the end of the day, you do not own those followers. If your account were ever to get deleted, you would have to start from scratch building up your community again. However, if you are able to grow an email list, you have a community of loyal followers who are available for contact anytime you want. This group is usually already warm toward your offering and is more likely to make a purchase.

A great way to capture these emails for continued marketing efforts is by including opt-ins on your website. Instead of using the cliché wording of “Subscribe to my List”, try to instead offer something of value. Nobody wants to be just another person on your “List”. That doesn’t sound like fun. Instead, offer them something of value. This can be a discount or a freebie. I have found freebies to work better in this arena. Your freebie does not have to be anything major. It can be a simple checklist of something your audience will find valuable. Whatever it is, make sure your target audience will find it valuable, and try to add an upsell to it if possible. For example, if you give away a DIY offering, you can upsell a consultation call after to review their work and get your advice for improvement.

4. Mobile-Friendly Layout

Over 60% of online shopping and internet surfing is done on cell phones. When designing your website, you should keep this statistic in mind. You want to make sure users do not have to scroll endlessly on their phone to reach the particular section they are trying to find. Make navigation easier for visitors by only including the necessities on your mobile version. Keep the Call to actions present throughout the page, and try to allow them to get to where they are wanting to go in less than 3 clicks.

Including less information on the mobile version of your website will also help it load faster. Bonus points!

5. Provide Social Proof

Whenever someone reaches your website, they are likely going to want to see what others have to say about you before giving you any money. Providing your visitors with social proof is an easy way to move the needle of someone who is on the fence when it comes to making a purchase with you. For social proof, you can provide testimonials, before and after pictures, a project gallery, pictures of happy clients, and even statistics. The goal of social proof is to prove you do quality work and make your visitor feel as if they are getting a recommendation from a trusted friend.

Incorporating these five money-making elements into your website will have your business revenue growing in no time. Each provides a unique touch to your visitor’s experience and nudges them closer to the desired end result. If you would like for me to help you design your website to increase conversions and put more money in your pocket, comment below. 

Check out my Designed to Sell Website Framework for an easy DIY way to start driving more sales through your website.

Until next time friends…

Upward and Onward,

Bailey Thibodeau Brand and Web Designer Signature

Bailey Thibodeaux

Founder of Honeywave Creative

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Bailey Thibodeaux

Hey friend! I’m the Head Designer and Creative Director behind Honeywave Creative. I specialize in designing highly interactive and conversion-driven websites for ambitious entrepreneurs. I hope you find lots of valuable tidbits in this blog!

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